A blog about why first aid training is essential for workers. 

Why First Aid Training is Essential for Workers? 

Quite a few times people have arrived at one of our first aid training courses with the attitude that they do not really want to be there or do not see the value in being trained in first aid (of course they leave the course with the completely opposite attitude). 
So why is first aid training essential for workers? Provision of first aid in the workplace falls under health and safety and there are three reasons cited for why employers should practice good health and safety. These three reasons are moral, legal, and financial. 


The strongest argument for having adequate and appropriate first aid provision at work is the moral one. This relates to ethical and responsible behaviours. Accidents at work can cause serious injury, long term health problems and even death. It is not morally right for an organisation to sacrifice the health of its employees to operate as a business 


Click on this text to edit it.There exists a legal obligation for employers to provide first aid provision in their workplaces under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. 
This piece of legislation applies to ALL employers including those with less than 5 employees and the self-employed. Based on a first aid needs risk assessment the correct number of first aiders and first aid equipment must be provided to deal with the immediate aftermath of a first aid emergency. 
In general there are what are considered low-risk and high-risk workplaces and the two most common types of first aid courses are the emergency first aid at work and the first aid at work qualifications. Those working in childcare need some form of paediatric first aid qualification. 


If someone is injured at work through having an accident there can be heavy personal losses experienced by the employee and losses incurred by the employer. 
Many of the costs of an accident are hidden and can also be far-reaching. Costs can be insured and un-insured and research shows that the un-insured costs of an accident can be eight to thirty-six times greater than the insured costs. 
Having first-aiders may not stop an accident from happening but being able to give immediate medical attention prior to the emergency medical services arriving may help to minimise or even totally mitigate the insured and un-insured costs of the accident. 
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